What Are My Odds?

Most people who are faced with criminal charges will ask what are my odds? This is a natural question and it is normal for you to want to know what you are facing. This is a difficult question to answer because it is not fair to compare your case to another person’s case; each case is different. Different prosecutors may be involved, different judges will preside, different witnesses will testify, different facts will be present and different juries will decide the final outcome. These factors make it unfair to handicap a given case or to compare your case to previous cases. the best guidance I can offer is that cases tend to fall into a framework I call the 20-60-20 rule.

This means there are two extremes—— at one extreme (about 20%) are the cases where I think the odds of winning are so good that you should most definitely go to trial, though you can always chose not take the risk.

At the other extreme (about 20%) are cases that are so bad that there is little realistic chance of winning, but you may want to tee up anyway if there is no downside other than the trial fee.

The remaining (60%) are in the middle and do not seem like slam dunks either way. These are the cases where a good or bad lawyer or good or bad jury can have the most impact.

You are looking for professional guidance and an attorney’s experience with the above elements can be a factor in analyzing a case. As we continue to build your case I will give you an analysis of your case and it most likely will fall into one of the above categories. We will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your case, the strengths and weaknesses of the government’s case, the law that applies and the benefit/loss aspect of each option. By keeping you informed, you will be able to make choices which best suit your personal needs.

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