Owasso DUI Lawyer

There’s no getting around it: driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious criminal charge in the United States—and given our state’s harsh sentencing guidelines, Oklahoma is certainly no exception. However, despite these laws, not every driver who is arrested for DUI is found guilty of the offense in court. In fact, with the right legal counsel, a large percentage of individuals are able to successfully challenge their drunk driving charges and avoid a DUI conviction.

Probable Cause: A Burden For Officers; An Advantage For Drivers

Although our society teaches us to have faith in law enforcement, when it comes to being arrested for DUI, it’s always best to question the validity of your charges. To successfully establish probable cause for a DUI arrest, the officer must prove two things: first, that there was legal cause for stopping you (such as speeding or other traffic violation) and second, that there was sufficient reason to suspect that you were under the influence of alcohol.

Far too often, an officer may fail to meet the requirements for probable cause before making an arrest—a fact that will almost certainly lead the court to dismiss the charges against you.

Other Defense Strategies

Even if there is no way to challenge the probable cause, there are a number of other strategies that may be available for your defense. Perhaps the officer failed to administer your field sobriety test incorrectly or maybe you were given a breathalyzer on a device that was not properly maintained. There is a defense available for practically every DUI case out there—you just have to know which one is right for you.

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