Oklahoma Breath Test Differences

Question: What is the difference between the roadside breath test and the official state breath test in Oklahoma?

Answer: The roadside test is where you blow into a small device that the officer is holding on the side of the road or sitting in his car. That is fuel cell technology; it is not reliable. It is nothing but a tool and a tool only. We have tested those in the office and I can take a person that had no alcohol and I can get a reading of .18, .19 on one of these devices and it will register as a proper test. That’s because of the technology they’re using. The official state’s breath test is done on an Intoxilyzer 8000 and it is an infrared technology and it is comprised of a series of two different samples to develop one test. It is less prone to the problems that we run into with the fuel cell, but it is still an estimate, it is not an accurate measurement.

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