Oklahoma Felony Murder & First Degree Murder

In the legal world, the difference between one degree of a crime and another can have huge ramifications on the sentencing and the way the trial proceeds. This is especially true when it comes to crimes like murder, when a life sentence is often on the line for the defendant.

First-Degree Murder and Felonies

First-degree murder is the most serious murder charge that can be filed in Oklahoma. It is felony crime, and it has several distinct circumstances in which it can be used.

  • Most simply, if one individual takes specific action to end the life of a second individual, whether with a weapon or some other means, and that second individual dies, it is a first-degree felony murder.
  • The intent often matters to determine whether it is first-degree murder, as the specific intent to kill can have a major bearing on the determination of the charges.
  • First-degree murder charges can also come up if a death resulted during the commission of certain felony charges, whether the death was intentional or not.

o   This means that if a person is struck and killed by the getaway car during a robbery with a dangerous weapon, every person involved can be charged with first-degree murder because the death occurred during the commission of, or as a result of, the robbery with a dangerous weapon.

First-degree murder charges can convey life sentences, while lesser murder charges can convey less jail time.

When Lives Are On the Line, Bring In Professionals

If you or someone you know is facing murder charges, professional legal help is absolutely necessary. Regardless of innocence or circumstances, a good attorney can be the difference a life in prison and freedom. Edge Law Firm approaches every case with a Team mentality, with the utmost attention, and can help anyone. Even in something as simple as the determination of charges that are being levied, Team Edge can change the course of the case.

Contact Edge Law Firm today to learn what they can do for you.

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