Impact of Oklahoma HB 3359


Oklahoma is moving to become a “papers” state.

HB 3359 has passed the Judiciary Committee in the current session of our Legislature.

The bill allows a police officer to stop anyone he/she thinks is “about to commit a violation”.

This is completely subjective to each officer so—–

  • You could be stopped if the officer thinks you may speed later down the road, or
  • You may roll through the next stop light or
  • You are about to let your tags expire……

It is strictly what the officer wants to do.


“Any person who fails to identify himself or herself and his or her actions to the satisfaction of the peace officer may be further detained and further questioned….”

You have to satisfy the OFFICER… not the law but the OFFICER:

  • What if you are swimming
  • What if you are at the gym
  • What if you are jogging or riding a bicycle without your wallet

This is moving us to a “Papers Please” state.

Make no mistake, this affects you and every citizen of this state—every citizen.

It also violates existing Constitutional law and will cost the State a large amount of money to unsuccessfully defend when challenged..

Please call your legislator and let them know you oppose this intrusion on your freedoms….

Below is an excerpt from the actual bill:


“A peace officer may stop any person who the peace officer reasonably suspects is committing, has committed or is about to commit a violation of the criminal laws of this state or the criminal ordinances of a municipality and may require the person to give his or her name and address and photo identification, if available.  Any person who fails to identify himself or herself and his or her actions to the satisfaction of the peace officer  may be further detained and further questioned and investigated by the peace officer.”

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