DUI in Oklahoma & Modified Licenses

After a DUI conviction in Oklahoma, drivers often lose their right to drive for a time. Class D licenses will be revoked due to violating the law and driving while impaired.

Getting Back on the Road

DUIs can have affects on all parts of your life.  Beyond legal ramifications, losing the right to drive can be immensely damaging to your career or personal life. The state does make it possible for you to get a modified license back if you can prove there is no other alternative for consistent transportation. There are several concessions that must be made:

  • The government can and will revoke it with any further DUIs.
  • The government will install an ignition interlock device or IID, which tests the drivers BAC before allowing the car’s engine to start.
  • If it is determined you have an alternative mode of transportation, this modified license may be revoked

While a modified license is not guaranteed to anyone, it may offer an alternative to those who need to drive even after a DUI.

Legal Help for the Trial and Beyond

If you or someone you know has been accused of a DUI, you need a professional legal team to work with you at every step of the way.

At Edge Law Firm, we fight to save your driver’s license. In fact, we have a full-time attorney on staff who works exclusively to save our clients’ licenses without the need for modifications. If a modification is needed, we know how to handle the bureaucratic maze and can help you navigate the process.

Contact us online or call us today at (918) 582-6333 to schedule a free consultation.

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