New License Plate Reading System Cash Cow for the DA
State prepares to unveil license plate reading system to hunt for uninsured motorists
There are several interesting things about this new process.
First is the amount of money being paid by their vendor of this ‘new technology.’ That often means untried and unproven but what the heck, let’s let the citizens of Oklahoma pay them.
Second how do you know who was driving? Can it be proven? It’s not illegal to own a car without insurance, just not legal to drive it without insurance.
Third is the money going to the DA Council? This is an obvious conflict of interest. The DA will benefit directly from these tickets so there is zero incentive to deal with the tickets in any manner other that collect the fine.
Additionally, since when did we start paying money for fines directly to the DA instead of the court??
The court system and the DA Council are not the same. They may work closely together but they have different responsibilities and agendas.
Less money in the court fund and guess who will pay for it?? The Taxpayers of course, all the while, the DA counsel is raking in the cash with little to no effort.
What happened to Separation of Powers?
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