Our Sole Purpose

"Dismissal or Reduction of Your Charges. We Empower, Educate, and Achieve Success for The Clients That Trust Us to Defend Them.”

— Bruce Edge


✓ Tulsa’s Only Board-Certified Defense Lawyer

✓ Best Selling DUI and Criminal Defense Author

✓ Super Lawyers

✓ Regularly Seen In The Media: (NBC, CBS, ABC, Court TV)


✓ Known for Winning Track Record for Their Clients

✓ Successfully Defended Thousands of Criminal Cases

✓ Have Aggressively Challenged the Oklahoma Government and Won Numerous Times

✓ Continue to Change, Shape, and Influence the Oklahoma Laws

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The mission at Edge Law Firm boils down to one word: freedom. Judges and prosecutors worry about justice, but justice is not our mission. You are. Our attorneys’ entire focus is on seeing our clients regain their freedom.

Our Sole Purpose

“Dismissal or Reduction of Your Charges. We Empower, Educate, and Achieve Success for The Clients That Trust Us to Defend Them.” 

— Bruce Edge

The Edge Law firm is known for its wide range of unique skills and winning track record for their clients.  Having defended thousands of criminal cases that involve DUI, manslaughter, bodily injury, and many other charges, their team has developed a record that speaks for itself.  Their team has distinguished itself by aggressively challenging the Oklahoma government repeatedly. These challenges resulted in unjust laws being declared unconstitutional and tens of thousands of citizens winning their cases.  Their relentless pursuit for justice continues to shape Oklahoma laws and allows Oklahoma citizens to gain back their dignity and livelihood.

Tulsa’s Only Board-Certified DUI Lawyer

We’re honored to be some of the most recognized and highly regarded criminal defense attorneys in Oklahoma. There are only 43 attorneys in the United States who are Board Certified in DUI defense according to the American Bar Association guidelines. Bruce Edge is the only one in Tulsa.

Best Selling Book Author

Our founder has published over 16 top selling books on criminal defense and DUI.  These resources are used by judges, prosecutors, and attorneys throughout the country.

TV & Radio

Local and national TV and radio shows seek out the attorneys at The Edge Law Firm for interviews and insight about high profile criminal cases.

Having Your Charges Acquitted, Dismissed, or Reduced

This focus on freedom has built Edge Law Firm’s reputation of successful acquittals, dismissals, and reductions of our client’s criminal charges. We stop at nothing to ensure that you or your loved ones:

• Never return to jail.

• Keep a clean criminal record.

• Protect your driver’s license.

• Safeguard your job and career.

• Gain back your life, dignity, and reputation.

The best way to ensure you maintain your freedom is by having your charges reduced or dismissed. We support our clients throughout the entire process so they can walk out of that courtroom and get their lives back and sleep better.

Making that happen means empowering you with knowledge, not only about your case but about the legal process. From the moment we begin until the moment we resolve your case, your legal team will be ready around the clock to work for you and ensure your freedom and peace of mind.

Why The Edge Law Firm is Right for You

Successful Track Record

Simply put, we win cases.  Our track record for winning cases and securing acquittals ,dismissals, and reductions speaks for itself. Your freedom deserves a team built for success.

We Empower & Educate You At No Cost

We empower and educate all our potential clients and offer case assessments free of charge and with no obligation. All of our active clients also have 24-hour access at their fingertips to their case details and the case progression. This includes the status of their case, upcoming court dates, court minutes, discovery, and motions.

Results Driven

We get results. There are cheaper, more inexperienced firms out there, but think about what you’re gambling. Jail time, a permanent criminal record, lost career opportunities, court costs, fines, probation, even credit issues that could leave you homeless. None of these are worth taking a risk on.

Keep Your Driver’s License and Job

We understand how important it is to retain your driver’s license to protect your livelihood and career. Because of this our team includes a full-time attorney that is devoted to protecting the driving privileges of our clients.  This attorney is the former Assistant General Counsel of the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety (DPS) and is known for his winning track record of saving our clients driving privileges.

We Conduct Independent Medical Examinations and Tests

Did you know that you can help prove your innocence and improve your chances of a dismissal or reduction at court by conducting an independent medical examination and blood test? You only have 3 days after your arrest to take this laboratory test, so act quickly by scheduling an appointment with the Edge Law Firm.

We Conduct Full-Scale Investigations

Right after your arrest, our private investigator will immediately start tracking down valuable evidence, interview witnesses, and recreate the scene where you were arrested. Preserving evidence and knowing more than the opposing side is how we win cases.

Forensic Blood and DNA Training

Our legal team has extensive training in numerous labs across the country training in blood testing as well as forensic DNA training.  This advanced training helps prove that you are innocent.

You Get a Team

Leading the charge to protect you will be a team of 5 attorneys including the former assistant General Counsel for The Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, Tulsa’s only Board-Certified DUI Attorney, a private investigator who was a highly decorated former police lieutenant and a 15-year veteran of the courts as a jury selection expert the that will fight for you.

Jury Selection Specialist

Even if you have the law and facts on your side, a jury still makes the decision in trial cases. Selection of the best jury for your case is critical. Knowing how critical this is to you, our team includes a 15-year veteran of state and federal juries. Someone who worked inside, on a daily basis talking and listening to the juries. This intimate knowledge coupled with a keen sense of evaluation by our specialist offers even more strength to your team.


Preparation To Win Your Case

At The Edge Law Firm, there are no unwinnable cases. Our dedication, experience and exhaustive preparation have conquered insurmountable odds time and time again. And that tireless pursuit of your freedom means you can feel prepared and confident about the outcome of your case.

It begins with a free, no-obligation review of your case. Once you have secured us as your legal team, you immediately reap the benefits of our relentless pursuit of your freedom. We will investigate your case from top to bottom, talking to witnesses, collecting evidence, and reviewing police reports, test results, body cam footage, surveillance videos, and court documents looking for any mistakes or procedural errors. Like all of us, police, prosecutors, and judges make mistakes, too. And we capitalize on those to help our clients win.

And that’s all just step one. All of this evidence is then brought to the negotiating table and set before the prosecutor to convince them to reduce or drop charges altogether. If the prosecutor isn’t convinced, then we prepare for a fight at trial.

The next step comes when we walk into a courtroom, already knowing the judge’s preferences and tendencies, the police officers’ weaknesses or missteps, and the holes in the prosecution’s argument. We strengthen that knowledge with an overwhelming amount of evidence, bringing your side of the story to life.

Using the information we’ve gathered in our investigation, we design an attack for any case against you while painting you in the best light. It’s a winning strategy that has seen our clients go free in countless bench and jury trials.

Whether we secure your freedom at the negotiating table or in the courtroom, the attorneys at The Edge Law Firm are here for you every step of the way.

Our Founder

Edge Law Firm Founder Bruce Edge is a respected expert on criminal defense and driving under the influence charges and author of more than 16 books related to criminal defense and DUI.

Regularly seen on the national and local news defending citizens of all walks of life in Oklahoma, he has appeared on Court TV, NBC News, ABC News, CBS News as a subject matter expert. Never one to back down from a fight, Edge has gone all the way to the top, taking on the Oklahoma Government on landmark cases.  A true warrior in the courtroom, he puts it all on the line to defend his clients and won’t stop until he has won their freedom.

Breath Test MachineThere are only 8 of these breath test machines privately owned in the United State. The Edge Law Firm co-owns 2 of them and they are the only two privately held in Oklahoma. This allows us to test the machines and develop a list of the problems with their operations.

Helpful Resources & Downloads

Protect Yourself from The Police

Request the Oklahoma Driver’s Rights’ Card

Guidelines If You Are Stopped By Police

View the Guidelines Now

Schedule a Free, No Obligation Consultation